Wednesday, September 3, 2008

  {Live Well Wednesday: Week:3}

I can't believe its been 3 weeks already since I started this journey! I am exercising Tuesday-Saturday, I am eating better, and gradually loosing weight! But, I also feel better when I am out running errands, playing with Lagan, and doing chores.

A girl wrote me the other day (I didn't ask if it was ok to put her name here, so I wont) and she asked me what my workout was like?

Well, I have a workout in the morning, and then I do little things throughout the day that help too.

First is my morning workout. When I get home from dropping off Lagan at school, I do "Walk away the Pounds" with Leslie Sansone. I LOVE her! I have been doing WATP for years on and off and they are fun to do. Its not really hard at first, but they do get more challenging as you go. There is a basic 1, 2, and 3 mile walks. Then there are 4 and 5 mile walks. Kick boxing walks, firming walks, walks with weights, FAITH walks, you name it! There is even an entire program for Teens!

Now, I personally LOVE the latest DVD's I have. The first one being the 5-day Fit Walk. This one is AWESOME for adding something new every day. You start with a one mile, then a two mile, then a 30 minute walk (2 miles). Then there is a walk and kick, my favorite, that combines kick boxing and walking. Then the final day is the Power Mile, which is easy, quick, and fun. Its really fast though so its good to do the DVD in succession so you don't get too ahead of yourself! :)

The next DVD that I love is Walking the Walk, and it comes with a book too. In this DVD and book, Leslie walks you through the routine, combined with Praise music. And the book is all about incorporating your faith into your walk. Really amazing stuff.

But I have several other DVD's and they are all just as good!! So I HIGHLY recommend Walk away the Pounds. (Oh, and if you want a preview workout to try...there is a Teen workout that is 1 mile for FREE right here. Click teen mile in the morning.)

The next thing I do after my workout in the morning is when I'm doing the laundry, I run up the stairs and down instead of walking. Sometimes I even do squats as I'm going up. This was REALLY challenging to me at first, but its getting better every day. I also like to keep my feet moving while I'm washing the dishes, so I kinda walk in place like I would in my morning workout.

These little changes are going to make huge changes in my body! I can already tell.

So thanks so much to everyone for sticking by me. I'm going to go eat a healthy breakfast now! :)

blog siggy


Carry Grace said...

Yay! you are doing so good.

ko said...

yeah.......yeah...go nikki! my friend and I are about to start doing the walking the walk here at our christian book store!
I'm proud for you! You are doing such a good job

Michelle said...

Good for you...I'm gonna look for this...I've been looking for a good exercise video and it sounds wonderful....

Anonymous said...

Good for you! I have one Walk Away DVD but usually I do The Firm cause working out with weights really keeps me in shape (that and the million lunges and squats they do).


frillsfluffandtrucks said...

Good for you--I can't believe it's already been a few weeks for you. I'm feeling incredibly lazy over here...but, on the plus side, after I take my daughter to preschool this afternoon, I'm walking my son over to get his haircut--usually I would drive.

~ Sarah

Frizzy said...

Thanks for stopping by CA on your walk yesterday. It's taken me a while to catch up with everyone's comments. Keep up the good work with your workout. You can do it!

Unknown said...

Hi Nikki,
Congratulations on sticking with your program! sounds like you are really determined. I need some of that to rub off on me.

Angie said...

You have inspired me to get my butt going too! I started back walking yesterday and felt so good about myself. I plan on walking again today and I am just going to have to take it day by day and keep myself motivated. We can do it!!!

Stacey @ The Blessed Nest said...

You're doing an awesome job! I'm going to have to check out these walking workouts--thanks for the tip. I want to know, how in the world you can be a chef, designer (clothes & blog), jewelry maker, etc etc AND be so darn great at all of it! AND be a single mom working from home and doing it successfully. Give all of us a post so that we can get encouragement to figure out & follow our own dreams!! :)


Our Complete Family said...

Congrats on feeling good and doing well hun! That is an awesome task!!! Happy day wishes to you~ Les

Lacy said...

Good job...keep up the great work. Thanks for your comment and send me some ocd!!!

Buzzings of a Queen Bee! said...

That is awesome! I love to hear success stories for weight loss, because I will be right there with you once I have this baby and start getting rid of the baby weight! I will have to check out the Walking DVDs, they sound really good.

Kitty Scraps said...

Congrats on your healthier lifestyle! You're so far ahead of me in exercising, I hate it so much, always have excuses ready as to why I don't exercise, so I admire you for your efforts. And congrats as well on your weight loss, this is something I know a little about as I've lost quite a bit myself, so you hang in there, remember that you can do it! Go Nikki, go Nikki! *smiles*

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your healthy lifestyle changes.

You're great to comment about Palin and her family. People who have'nt walked in those shoes should have no negative comments.

A baby is a child of God.......

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