Week 6 baby! but not much change here on the home front, just working on it one day at a time! The jeans that were a little baggy last week actually are really baggy in the leg and butt, and I can put them on and zip them up and they don't squish my stomach! :)
I made a decision to not buy a ton of new clothes as I loose weight. I want it to be a gift to myself when I get to a good size that I go get all new clothes. Plus, who needs a wardrobe of sizes 22 to 10?

So the best thing that happened to me this week, is I did happen to buy a little sweater bolero thingy at Ross, in the JUNIORS DEPARTMENT!! I was very excited! I actually almost bought another one, but it was like $15.99, so I said, no way! lol I'm totally cheap like that.
So that was my personal victory this week....what was yours?
Way to go! I love when clothes that used to be tight start to fit and then get bagggy. You go, girl!
Thanks for visiting my site and your nice comment, Nikki.
You seem to be close with your daughter as well. I enjoyed reading your site and pray that God will continue to bless you in your weight loss journey. Way to go! I will continue to check back and see how you're progressing. I have a lot to lose myself so I feel your excitement when smaller sizes fit and the sizes that used to fit are baggy. Yay!
God bless,
I am an addict to Diet Mt. Dew...I have only drank one a day...which is HUGE for me who use to drink at least 8 to 10 cans!
What a great victory for you!
-Sandy Toes
I'm very excited for you! I like your idea of not buying new clothes until you reach your goal. I am losing a few pounds so I can wear my old clothes but I'm SO going shopping! lol
My own personal victory...hmm... well it's only Wednesday. Maybe by Friday I'll know!
I am so proud of you....sounds like you are doing great!!! I need to get with it and lose some pounds so I can even attempt to fit into jeans this winter...YUCK! I would have a whole new wardrobe if I can fit into it again....lol
Yea! Good for you!
My victory this week was running 9 miles - the longest I've run since my pre-marriage days. Still working up to 26 though - got a long way to go!
Good for you!!!!
Lagan's room is soooooooo cute!
Way to go. One day at a time is the only way to take it! And shopping in the junior section! How fun!
Oh, I totally love Ross! I'm with you on the not buying skinny clothes yet. I've gone from a 14 to almost a 10 but I'm still cinching my 14 crop pants and jeans. I'm waiting for the day I can go buy all 6's or 8's. Yipee!! Congrats to you for shopping in the juniors dept. too. :)
Hi, Nikki, thanks for stopping by. I wish you MUCH success with your new lifestyle changes & yes, rewards are good.
Size 22 to 10!?! You go girl! That's awesome! And you deserve that top in the juniors section! i'm with you though on the cheap stuff. I just can't bring myself to over indulge. Jeans are the worst!
My victory this week was going to bed early...it felt wonderful! I am impressed with your progress and I can't wait to be able to join you and see my pants be baggy again too! I am gearing up to lose my baby weight in about four months! Until then I can just cheer you on!
Good for you! Baggy jeans make a girl feel great! Thanks for stopping by,
Take care, DebraK
I admire your determination! I need it but just can't seem to get motivated! ughhh, in a rut! Good Luck, going to check out the rest of your blog now!
So proud of you Nikki. Keep it up, and those inches will be melting away in no time.
I'm very happy for you and what you're accomplishing.
Thanks for stopping at my blog today. I enjoyed my visit to yours.
Congratulations....I'm torn about buying clothes in between sizes. YOu need to feel good, yet who wants that many sizes around? I currently have 4 sizes of clothes in my closet and it drives me nuts! :)
Nikki! You are so super sweet! Thanks so much for such kind words! I am LOVING your blog too! It's so much fun and I will for sure have to keep checking up on you!! Congrats on the weight loss! That is so awesome!!
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