Oh My Goodness, I am sooooooooo excited to announce, my very own BLOG THEME DAY or "meme". It called "That's a deal Thursday"!
So in the spirit of my new meme, I would love for you to post a comment on this post ANY TIME about your deals. It can be an old post, a new post, it doesn't even have to be on Thursday, just share your deals.
I will be adding a link to share this on the sidebar >>>>>>>
Deals can be on shopping for anything! Clothes, groceries, house stuff, Goodwill, CVS, you name it! Just find a deal, blog about it, and link it up here!
My first "That's a deal Thursday" is my latest trip to the grocery store. I wasn't going to post a breakdown, but someone told me I should, so I will! The final tally was $66.66 worth of groceries for $13.65 at walmart, and $3.98 worth of stuff at CVS for FREE!
Here are my receipts from both trips!
(the best deal was going to CVS and getting chex mix. It is normally $1.99/bag, but it was on sale this week for $1.00. I printed two of these $1.00 off coupons, and got them for free with my card!)

and here is everything I bought...

(I got that catfood back there for $.14 cents per bag by going here:
If you want to learn more about shopping with coupons, and getting great deals, go to this chicks site, she is AMAZING!!
Ok, well, I guess that's it for today! I hope you all have a wonderful afternoon, and we will see you tomorrow :)
Great deals!
Augh! My printer is on its last leg and I'm afraid any coupons I print would not come out right. I used to be a coupon queen but for some reason it's a real chore for me now, and I've started just getting overwhelmed by the Sunday inserts and throwing them away after a while, WITHOUT cutting anything out!
HOWEVER...now that I've seen what you were able to do this week, you may have just inspired me to get those scissors out again! Good for you! You never know, I might be posting about MY great deal soon! : )
Thanks for the info about her blog!
You go, you shopping Queen of Deals!!! My husband would be very impressed. I call him the KING of Coupons!!!
I don't grocery shop much.
Only when it's desperate.
And if I do- I never know what things should cost.
I have to call George.
But I know how to make a mean list!!!!! hahaha!
I DOOOOOO know how to find awesome deals on great clothes at 2nd hand shops, though.
That's MY speciality.
Oh how I love a good bargain:) I've slacked on the coupons lately. Maybe you're the inspiration I need to start saving some money!!
Wow, you did awesome, Nikki – way to go!!! Thanks for the linky love!
Tara @ Deal Seeking Mom
Hi, I'm trying to get my new business off the ground, I designed childrens clothing for 20 years until everything was destroyed. So with that said, I love your blog and I will post a deal!! 20% off in my Etsy shop until this Sunday! All anyone has to do is convo me and mention your blog. Thanks, Laura
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